I woke up early today which is unlike me so I decided to go for an early ride. I usually wake up early when there is something on my mind so it seemed like the perfect thing to do was ride to Tabor. It is still a little dark when I leave and I ride the whole way there without getting passed by a car.
I get to the park, put on Talking Heads and just sink into the ride. It feels so good to have worked through my fear and feel really comfortable on my bike again. It is so foggy that I can't see a thing as I pass the first vista. I circle the top and head back down the Salmon side doing that little head bicycle dance to Houses in Motion.
It looks like a cloud has landed on the top of the mountain and as I circle the top the second time I realize I've settled into something wonderful on these Tabor rides. It's a feeling of finding home. I had the same feeling when I met my husband...he felt like home. David Byrne singing Where I Want to Be just reinforces this feeling.
I put on my riding mix for the last two ascents which starts with my theme song, Bicycle Race by Queen and think about how much I have grown in the last six months. On our trip to Finland in September I decided on my purpose: To love my husband and see the world. In January, I found my theme song: Bicycle Race. And on my ride on Thursday I found my motto: Choose Life. Do what you love. Ride your bike.