If you ever come to Portland, one thing you must try is a Saint Cupcake cupcake. They are, hands down, the best cupcakes in the Universe. The red velvet cupcake with cream cheese frosting is just amazing. To. Die. For. Simply wonderful. Seriously, one day I was really depressed (it was just a really bad day that simply would not get better) and my friend Lucy called while I was in the middle of sobbing. She said, "What can I do?" I said, "Can you bring me a Saint Cupcake cupcake?" And she did. And it helped. They are just that good.
So, upon realizing that we were running out of time to make something homemade for my friend Taya's party tonight we decided to walk over to Saint Cupcake and get a dozen. The lady behind the counter said, "You going to a barbecue?" I said, "Yep. I figure if you're not going to bring something homemade, there is nothing better than showing up with cupcakes." She smiled, "These will definitely be a hit."
Reilly had a flat (I think she needs a new tire), so we strapped the cupcakes to the rack of Peter's commuter bike. I took out Amie, my much ignored road bike as of late, dressed in my new favorite sundress.

It's not a short ride to Taya's new house. We took the bike streets until Burnside had a bike lane, then zipped down Burnside, up 122nd and over to 131st (about a 40 minute ride total). The whole way I kept asking, "Are the cupcakes okay?" "Yep, they're good!" replied Peter, looking back to check on them.
We got to Taya's and presented our gift. "Saint Cupcake!" she exclaimed and she opened the box:

Oh no! We laughed so hard. I mean side splitting, tears, silent laughter kind of laughing. It was a great party and people still enjoyed the cupcakes, scooping out some frosting with each one.
We really moved on the way home and I had so much fun! Might have been bitten a little bit by the bicycle bug tonight again. My back felt good with the 80 minutes of riding. If it's a sunny day tomorrow, you might find me out on the Springwater on Amie. We shall see.